Today's Deadline - Income Tax Information

If you have already provided our team with your 2022 income tax information, thank you! As soon as your return has been completed and reviewed by our team we will coordinate your review and signatures.

If you have not provided your information, we ask that you take the time to upload your information as soon as possible at this link. If you have not previously used the tax portal, please notify our office so that we can get your account set up as soon as possible. If you would like our team to file an extension on your behalf, please contact our office.

As a reminder, any information received by our office after end of day today will be considered for an extension.

We take great pride in our thorough process and appreciate your help making this another brilliant tax season. Thank you for your cooperation!


Securities offered through Commonwealth Financial Network, Member FINRA/SIPC. C F Parks Inc is a Registered Investment Adviser. Advisory services and fixed insurance products and services offered by C F Parks Inc are separate and unrelated to Commonwealth.

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