2024 NC Tax Forms

Manage Brilliantly

At the end of each year the North Carolina Department of Commerce mails out a letter informing businesses of their new unemployment tax rate for the upcoming year. Within the letter it reconciles your account and any charges that have posted to your account due to unemployment claims.

If we process payroll for your business, we ask that you send a copy to our office once it is received.

If you do not receive the letter please let us know, as we will need reach out to the Department of Commerce requesting its information.

In addition, each county tax department has begun sending out Business Personal Property Tax Listing Forms for 2024. If you would like for us to assist in the filing of this form we ask that these forms are provided to our office as soon as possible.

A response or extension is due to be filed by January 31st, both requiring information on the form for timely processing.

Please see the image below for a sample of the Business Personal Property Tax Listing Form. (Note: the form may differ slightly by county of registration.)

Business Personal Property Tax Listing Form.


Please give our office a call if you have any questions. Thank you for the opportunity to help you Manage Brilliantly. 

Noelle Heddle